Calendar 2024

As well as meeting on the first Thursday of every month, we also offer a busy agenda of activities.

Thursday 4th July.
Beer & Bees. 8.00pm.
The Riverside Inn (formerly The Lenchford) WR6 6NW
All welcome! Come and join us for a chat over a beer or glass of wine. Who knows we may even have a bowl of chips and talk about bees!!
Sept 27th -29th In September we will be holding our own honey show and wimmers are encouraged to then enter the Malvern Autumn show Sept 27th-29th.
April 25. Beginners training course.Dates to be advised for new beekeepers training courses

Great Witley Beekeepers Association

‘Beekeeping for Beginners’ Course 2025

We will be running a beginners training course aimed at anyone who might be interested in keeping Bees.
The course takes the form of 6 x 13/4hr sessions – 4 sessions in the spring and 2 sessions in the autumn – covering all the basic knowledge required to start Beekeeping.

We will also hold 2 practical sessions where instruction and demonstrations will be given working with live bees!

Session 1:           Introduction and History of Beekeeping

Session 2:           The Colony in the Hive

Session 3:           The Hive Components

Session 4:           The Beekeeping Year

Session 5:           Practical ‘Looking in a Hive’ – Late April /early May (Bee-suits can be provided by GWBKA)

Session 6:           Second Practical   Late May / Early Jun. Inspection & Preparing for your Bees

Later in the Autumn
Session 7:           Swarm Control and Collection

Session 8:           Queen Rearing plus Pests and Diseases

Costs / Dates / Venue
Cost:   The cost of the training course is £60.00. If you are certain that you want to keep bees from the outset then for a further £29.00 you can join Great Witley Beekeepers Association which will cover the first 12 months membership and insurance.  It will also link you up with The National British Beekeeping Association (BBKA), our nationally recognised supporting organisation for amateur beekeepers, and you will start to receive their monthly magazine.

The training will be given by David Edmonds, chairman of Great Witley Beekeepers, (former College lecturer and beekeeper for over 20 years) – with all notes being e mailed out to you beforehand.

Week day evening – 7.45pm to 9.30pm

VENUE: Little Witley Village Hall, Bank Road, Little Witley WR6 6LS.

This will be immediately followed by the first practical training session over the weekend – obviously dependant on the weather and your availability.

Please contact Dave Edmunds either by email or phone to confirm your interest or if you have any questions.

David Edmunds  (Chair /Tutor)     
Phone: 07850 302410. E-Mail: